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"G" Whiz!

For those who were looking for some encouragement
for the elders,
look under "III.
A. The shepherd...."
Had a couple of showers but still blazing hot. Thanks to
West End
Church of Christ for a great clothes closet. We
were able to assist at least 35 families in distributing
preowned clothes. Pray for our follow up most have no
church they call home. Kirk
“G” Whiz!
John 10
I.    Introduction
A.    Euphemisms say more than what a person means.
1.    The expression “Gee” according to Webster, is
slang for “Jesus.”
2.    Perhaps you have heard the term, “Gee Whiz!”
when someone gets excited.
3.    I would like to use this term, not in derogatory
manner. I’d like to note some words that begins with
the letter “G” which describes our Lord and Savior in
John 10.
B.    Our text tells us that Jesus is:
1.    The Great Guide; The Great Gatherer; The Great Giver;
and The Great Guardian.
C.    A play on “G”
1.    Jesus is The Great Guide because he is Genuine, he
guarantees safe passage as being the governor of our
life. In this we should be glad.
2.    He is The Great Gatherer.  A gem for the Gentiles, a
geyser of hope for the races; we should gleam with
delight in that he has chosen us fit for his kingdom.
3.    He is the Great Giver. Who can deny the Goodness of
God? Who can claim he is not gracious or generous with
his blessings. Oh how we should be ever so grateful
for his marvelous gifts.
4.    He is the Great Guardian; as a protective groom for
his bride, the gavel of judgment against our accuser,
our garrison of hope when enemies threaten. Let us
glorify him for the walls of protection about us!

II.   These “G’s” offer hope!
A.   We need a guide to lead us in paths of
righteousness because of spiritual misdirection
coming from “politically correct” institutions.
We need spiritual correctness.
B.    We need to know that every man who is a willing participant
may be gathered unto him for salvation. God is no racist!
C.    We need to recognize that as a government gives rewards to
its faithful citizens, God grants blessing to those who are
in Christ Jesus.
D.    What citizen would want to belong to a country which could
not keep them safely? What people would want to worship a
God who could not guard them against loss?
III.  A look at Jesus, The Great Guide, Gatherer, Giver and
A.    The word “Shepherd” is found five times in this chapter.
Thus we identify Jesus as our Great Guide.
1.    There had been spiritual leaders in the past but none
so caring and zealous for the flock as was our beloved
  a.  Isa. 51:18 talks about the desperate condition of
Israel in its lack of leadership, “There is no one
to guide her among all the sons she has brought
forth; nor is there any who takes her by the hand
among all the sons she has brought up.”
  b.    During the life of Christ he labeled their
spiritual guides as “Hypocrites.”
  c.    Paul noted their leadership inability as he said,
(Rom. 2:17-24).
2.    But Jesus, our great Guide, our wonderful shepherd and
overseer of our soul leads:
  a.  He leads me in paths of righteousness - how?
Psa. 73:24 “You will guide me with thy counsel
(word) and afterward take me to glory.” By the
message of the H.S. (Jn. 16:13) which has been
forever recorded and sealed. When we hear the word
of truth, the gospel of our salvation (Eph.1:13)
we begin our journey down the path of right living.
  b.    He leads, not drives. He calls out and they are
familiar with his voice. He knows his sheep
individually, having their name written in the
book of life. He knows when they are absent from
the table of communion.He never imagines himself
free from his duty of guiding the flock. He never
takes a leave of absence, vacation, or not show
up for work. The sheep however....nevertheless
he continues to guide.
3.    What makes a great leader, a great Guide? Karin Syren
is a certified coach in management skills notes these
great qualities: so for our spiritual leaders here,
this part of the lesson is specifically designed to
encourage them to be great shepherds of the sheep here.
Additional personal notes are marked by [...]
 a.    Great Leaders are mission inclined. The Great
Leader indicates a firm grasp of the mission and
vision. [(Lk. 19:10 came to seek & save). The
mission is not to entertain the sheep, harass the
sheep nor despise the sheep, but to help, heal
and encourage through the word not through the
   b.  Great Leaders are providers. The leader is often
called to provide for needs the group is virtually
unaware of. It becomes the role of the leader to
first identify the need, and then to provide a
means of fulfillment. [(Ps. 23:2 He makes me lie
down in green pastures) Fullness, satisfaction,
comfort. However the needs of the sheep are not
self-fulfillment, rather, service. We do not
serve by learning how to praise dance, paint or
wave flags or ring bells. Service indicates work.
The sheep must be provided with work which is
pleasing to God. They do not know what to do until
you tell them it needs to get done.]
 c.    Great Leaders are motivated by the welfare of
the team. The motive is never self-promotion,
self-aggrandizement. [(He leaves the 99 and
seeks the one gone astray Lk. 15). Welfare of
the church is not socialism but holiness unto
the lord. Welfare does not mean how many church
trips are scheduled, or potlucks are had, but if
the whole of the body is glorified and magnified
through each member looking after the needs of
 d.    Great Leaders are always ready to provide the
tools necessary for achieving the goals of the
team. [(Eph. 4:7 But to each one of us,grace was
given according to the measure of Christ’s gift).
The fineries of church-house-ism are not the
tools which the leader strives to acquire for
the sheep. Such vestiges as special robes stain
glass, gymnasiums makes mockery of the house of
God. Whereas love, joy, peace, visitation,
benevolence, etc... Are timeless tools for every
generation in which we must strive to skillfully

e. Great Leaders have great integrity and assume the
role of keeper of ethics. Leaders must articulate
the ethical expectations necessary to maintain
the wholeness and soundness of the team, as
well as the individual members. The two are
inseparable. [Jesus grew in favor with God and
man (Lk. 2:52) Can a church grow if it has
forsaken a stand in morality? Sure, but the
flock is mange, sick, and ignorant about their
purpose (which is Eph.1:4 be holy & blameless
before him in love) you may give debate over
abortion, gay life, marriage & divorce as being
non-important issues for spiritual vitality. If
that be the case, what is holiness? What does
blamelessness mean? Ethics is not subject to the
opinions of mans intelligence but to the revealed
will of God.]
 f.    Great Leaders are consistently teachable.
Information flows from the top. [Jesus learned
obedience through the things he suffered(Heb.5:8).
Study not only the books of men and their various
interpretations; study the word of God which
leads you to perfect knowledge even if it causes
you and his sheep great suffering. Persecution
arose in the first century for the information
they shared. They shared not acceptance of vices.
Great leaders will not use new terminology
calling sin “a sickness.”]
 g.    Great Leaders are always willing to step aside
rather than compromise the team. The leader will
never play one member against another as a
tactic, realizing that unity of purpose, when
grounded in the integrity of the vision, will
always lead to increased productivity and
progress. [Remember Jesus washed feet when no
one else would (Jn.13). There will be times when
you must do that which no one else will, do it
anyway. There will be times when no one will
serve, serve anyway. There will be times when
no one will love, love anyway. Because you lead
them, you guide them in paths of right doing.
Speak kindly to the unkind; be courteous to those
who slander your role. And, when the time comes,
retire from your office with dignity, not because
you were forced out.]
h. Great Leaders do not take control, but accept
surrendered control. [James and John asked Jesus,
“Shall we call down fire from heaven to destroy
these?” Jesus replied, “You know not what manner
of spirit you are” (Lk. 9:54, 55). Forced service
is not service at all. Would to God every preacher
who preached would acknowledge this fact and be
kind to the sheep so the elders may lead. It
serves no one any good by threatening to quit
their post if it doesn’t go the way they plan it.]
 i.    Great Leaders understand the awesome
responsibility of guiding human beings.
[Jesus is no hireling, no part time half hearted
over seer. (Jn.10). Being held accountable
should humble men for he that is given five
sheep and has gained five others also will
hear,“Well done!”]
  j.   Great Leaders understand the difference between
passion for excellence and passion for power.
[1 Pet. 5:2-4 Saul, son of Kish once was humble,
but when he let power go to his head, God
stripped him of his authority (1 Sam. 15:17ff)].
 k.    Great Leaders always lead by example. The Great
Leader is never merely an observer. [What Jesus
authorizes, we may do, that which he has not
ordered we cannot proceed. Speak where the
Bible speaks and be silent when it is silent.
Go not beyond the scripture in work or worship.
Add no instrument when none is required, leave
no communion unserved when they met every first
day of the week to partake, throw all human
creeds, titles, and confessions behind thy back.
Lead by example, not innovation. Be doers of the
word and not hears only least you fall under
condemnation of the just Judge. Walk beside the
sheep, work beside the sheep, smell like sheep,
because they’d rather see a sermon than hear one
any day.]
Copyright 2005 So-lu'shunz Management Services
Karin Syren is a certified coach specializing in
effectiveness Coaching.

4. Jesus is that great Guide, The Psalmist writes, “Thy
rod and thy staff comforts me” (rod is the club
warding off predators, staff is the crooked staff
which is kindly laid upon the shoulder tapping on the
right or left as he leads the sheep down an unknown
pathway). Both symbols represent the word of God as it
guides and corrects our conduct in life.
5.    Is the word of Jesus leading you or are other voices
which know not God?
B.    Since Jesus is so great a guide, it is fitting for Jesus to
be the Great Gatherer. (v. 16).
 1.    Other sheep... The nations which were not of Israel
(Eph. 2:12, 13, 19).
 2.    This text never had the idea of multiple denominations
rather, many races.
 3.    All are invited to come (Matt. 11:28) and when they
come, some are wheat, others tares (Matt. 13:30),
some say Lord, Lord and act, others just call on his
name yet no righteousness follow (Matt. 7:21ff). In
his kingdom are saints and sinners, good fish and
bad (Matt. 13:47), and in the end, a great division
will occur, the goats and sheep will be separated
unto eternal damnation or eternal life (Matt. 25:31ff).
Regardless what they are, sheep or goats, Jesus
has called and gathered them together.
4.    When they come, they must come through the door.
 a.    The door represents an instrument of separation.
On the one side is the world and its lusts which
are perishing (1 Jn. 2:15-17), on the other is
the new man being renewed day by day as he
partakes of the spirit filled words of Jesus
which offers life (2 Cor. 4:16; Jn.6:63).
 b.    Not only is it an instrument of separation,
but a symbol of protection. (Thief and robber
tries other means because of a secure door.)The
ancient shepherd would become the door for the
sheep at night as he would corral them into a
secure location then lie at the narrowest opening
so nothing can escape nor enter which would harm
except it pass through him. Song someone wrote,
as they spoke of the trial of Job, “Nothing can
happen unless it passes through His hand.”
 c.    Not only does a door separate, and protect it
invites hospitality- (If any man opens I will
come in to him and dine with him (Rev. 3:20).
This is why Jesus is the great gatherer, He
encourages all to come and have fellowship.
Jesus invited the rich young morally sound ruler
as well as the “chief of sinners.” One entered,
the other walked away.

5. Jesus was lifted up, dearly beloved, to draw all men
unto him. There is no other way to heaven but by the
door Jesus opened, the gaping hole in his side from
which his guiltless, sinless blood flowed forth cleansing
the sins of every penitent believer.
6.    As he guides and gathers, he also gives. (v. 10).
 1.    Death and life are great words of scripture and their
meaning must be watched. “Death” on the lips of Jesus
is not physical but spiritual - ‘The maid is not dead
but sleepeth.’ and again, ‘she who lives in pleasure
is dead while she lives’ (1 Tim. 5:6). So also with
“life.” Life was not physical heath and strength; it
was fellowship with God ‘Let the dead bury the dead.’
Every Saint of God is, “called into the fellowship of
his son” (1Cor. 1:9) not into perfect health. “Better
to enter life with one eye/foot than have both sent to
hell (Matt. 18:9)(Adapted, Great Texts of the Bible,
Hastings, Vol. 11,p. 428).
2.    Spiritual guru’s project a God of financial prosperity.
Christian retail stores have lined the pocket of their
wallets by the selling of foolish prosperity books.
3.    The Life Jesus gives is one not of social security,
but soul serenity.In Christ we have every spiritual
blessing, are adopted and accepted into the family
of God, are redeemed through his blood, know the
mystery of his will, obtained an inheritance, sealed
with the holy spirit, caused to be at peace with
God, become fellow citizens with the saints, built
and growing into a holy temple for the Lord, and
made for a dwelling place for God on earth in the
spirit. Therefore Paul encourages us to walk worthy
of the calling with which we were called
(Eph. 1:3, 5,6,7,9,11,13; 2:14,19, 21, 22; 4:1).
4.    It’s not all about giving me financial freedom.
It is about freedom in Christ where I can go in
and out.
5.    The great Giver gives life, not only in this world
but in that which is to come!
D.    Now since he does such, do we think he cannot guard that
which he has given?(28-30)
1.    Some seem to think that Jesus can guide, gather,
give, but cannot guard that which is his.
“For though I walk through the valley of the shadow
of death.”
2.    The promises of Jesus are steadfast and sure. This
statement is a promise he intends to keep.
3.    No man can take away your salvation. Christ
purchased it, provides it, and protects it. You
may Know you have life 1 Jn. 5:12, 13.
 a.    It’s not earned (Eph. 2:8, 9) and it can’t
be stolen (Jn. 10:1,2).
 b.    However, it is only available to the obedient
(2 Pet. 1:10 never fall... if...).
4.    What the believer must trust in, is the great grace
of our God.
 a.    Again in the marvelous book of Ephesians, seven
times the grace of God is magnified in that
it: made us accepted in the beloved, brought
forgiveness of sins, made us alive, saved us,
made us aware of uniting all nations into one
through Christ, saved Paul the ‘least of all
saints,’ and by it and through it the Christian
receives spiritual gifts (Eph. 1:6, 7; 2:5, 8;
3:2, 8; 4:7).
5.    Since his grace does so much, I do suppose that is
why the word “gospel” means ‘Good news!”
6.    We have the best guide, the best gatherer, the best
giver, and the best guardian of our soul. Who would
not want to be a part of Christianity? Who in their
enlightened mind would shun putting him on in baptism
this hour?

7. He can keep you saved. You do your part, he will do
Great “G’s” in John 10.
Memorize them, cherish them, and let them encourage you to
fight the good fight when your day is dark. Isa. 40:11 He
will feed his flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs
with his arm, and carry them in his bosom and gently lead those
who arewith young. He guards, gathers, gives, and guides.

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